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Moodle Help Guide

Downloading Rosters or Grades (Exporting in Excel or Other Formats)

  1. In your Moodle course, find the Navigation menu on the left, and click on Grades.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Export > Excel spreadsheet
  3. Select this option or whatever kind of export you would prefer, and you will get a screen where you can select which items you want to appear in your spreadsheet.
  4. Once you have made your selections, Click the "Export" button at the bottom of the page to download the spreadsheet.
  5. By default, this spreadsheet export will contain all grades that have been collected at the time of download. You can review and prepare this export for submission to the Registrar at the end of the semester when it is time to submit grades. Please consult with the Registrar's office regarding the formatting they require.
  6. If you would like a roster without grade information, uncheck all grades before pressing Export.

Importing Grades from CSV File (Excel Spreadsheet)

  1. Create new grade items and categories for the grade information you will be importing, within Moodle, before adding grades. (See the Gradebook Basics page for more information).
  2. Follow the instructions above to export a file with your current gradebook setup and spaces to add grades.
  3. Open the file you have exported, and add grade information to the appropriate categories. Do not add columns or change headings in Excel, as these will not be understood by Moodle.
  4. Use the Save As menu in Excel to save your grade sheet as a .csv file. Excel may warn you that formatting will be lost by saving as .csv, but save in this format anyway.
  5. Go back to your course, go to the Grades menu, and look for Import > CSV File
  6. Browse to the grade .csv file on your computer, and click Upload grades to complete the upload.
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