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WordPress Help Guide

Enabling H5P on Your Site

Contact the Educational Technology team to have the H5P plugin activated for your course site.

Creating H5P Objects

Visit the Dashboard and create a new H5P object using the “H5P Content” option in the left-hand menu.  If you're new to using H5P, we encourage you to choose one from the following list:

  • Interactive Video
  • Image Juxtaposition
  • Image Hotspots
  • Image Slider

Clicking on the “details” button to the right of any tool will let you see a little more about what it does, including a “content demo” that shows you the expected result. You can also visit to see more demonstrations of the types of content you can create.

Once you have selected an H5P option, a new set of tools will appear. You’ll most likely see a dialog box that asks you to upload, name, and organize any content you plan to use. Have images and other content prepared ahead of time so that you don’t lose your work halfway through. There is no easy way to save a draft.

Creating an H5P Object

Follow the steps in the dialog box to build your content, and click “create” at the top right when finished.

Upon creation, you will see a sample of your finished object, and at right, a “shortcode”. Write down or copy the shortcode in its entirety — brackets and all. You will need the shortcode to place your H5P object within a page or post.

Adding H5P objects to posts

Once you have your H5P object created to your liking, the next step is to add it to a page or post.

Working in the Dashboard, select “Posts” (or "Pages") and then “Add New” from the menu at the left. You’ll open up an editing window for a new contribution to the site.

Once you have your settings how you like, you can insert your H5P into the post by typing or pasting in your shortcode.

Be sure to save regularly!