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Spanish Guide

Our online language tools

The LCC offers a range of software options to study languages and enhance learning languages. Here are some of the resources:

  • Mango Languages (multiple languages; create your own account and use online)
  • Rosetta Stone (multiple languages; create your own account and use online)
  • Skritter (Chinese and Japanese; create your own account and use online)

More information on the language learning softwares can be found here

Grammar Links

To better understand grammar, it can be useful to look at real examples of how a particular structure or word is used. A "concordancer" is a tool that lets you search for a particular word, phrase or pattern, pulling out example sentences from a database of texts (which might be news articles, novels, speeches, etc.).

An example of what a concordance search looks likeA search engine, like Google, can also be a quick, easy way to investigate questions like "What's the right way to say this?" Limit your results by domain to a country where the language is spoken (e.g., websites that end in ".es" for Spain). The more correct or natural wording will usually generate more search results.

Virtual Language Learning Communities

It's important to practice expressing yourself in your new language--saying what you want to say, outside of the shelter of the classroom. Do you like meeting new people? You might enjoy a language/conversation exchange, where you connect with someone (from around the world!) who speaks the language you're learning, and who is trying to learn the language you speak. The websites below can help you find a conversation partner.

If you decide to pursue a language exchange, please be cautious about sharing personal information, to keep your identity and your person safe. While some language exchanges turn into lifelong friendships, others fizzle out after the first meeting, so don't be disappointed if your exchange doesn't last. Be upfront with potential conversation partners about your expectations: How often/how long do you want to meet? How much time will you spend speaking in each language? Do you want your partner to correct your language? Do you want to choose topics or talk about whatever comes up?

Fun Apps!

Here is a selection of fun apps that you can access online related to Spanish.

It provides animated curricular content in various fields: short animated films, games, quizzes, and interactive elements that allow people to learn Spanish in a fun way.

You can consider Conjuguemos to be a Spanish class's online workbook. You can learn conjugation, grammar, and vocabulary in this section. It includes flashcards, crossword puzzles, and other learning tools.

You can choose Spanish, then browse through thousands of shows to learn the language and binge-watch your way to proficiency. Designed for all levels.

It is an online community where users can share language learning tips and have access to various resources. Podcasts, pronunciation, and vocabulary resources are all available. The whole course is not free, but the study materials are!

Media: Newspapers, Radio

Here is a selection of newspapers that you can access online related to Spanish.

It is one of Spain's largest national newspapers.

It portrays the economic news from Mexico City.

It is an interactive version of a Puerto Rican newspaper.

It is one of Argentina's national newspapers.

Here is a selection of radio stations that you can access online related to Spanish.

It is the most popular radio stationing Spain which provides programming on a wide range of themes, including news, entertainment, sports commentary, and culture.

It is based in Mexico City and is noted for creating high-quality educational and informational programming in Spanish.

It is the official, state-run radio station that broadcasts news, information, music, and conversation shows throughout the day, covering a wide range of themes.


Here is a selection of podcasts that you can access online related to Spanish.

It provides various free content in the form of audio podcasts on a variety of topics.

A Colombian Spanish teacher and her American fiancé discuss various issues, ranging from online dating to Venezuela's economic crisis in order to boost your vocabulary and listening comprehension. For Intermediate Spanish Speakers.

Because it is linked to the 24 Level System, it gives you the unique chance to listen to episodes that match your own specific Spanish level.

It employs short stories and Question and Answer procedures, with pauses for listeners to respond to questions or repeat speech from the podcast in order to improve their Spanish proficiency.