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Medieval Studies

Society Publications

Early English Text Society

Reprints early English texts, especially those only available in manuscript. Most of its volumes are in Middle English and Old English. Its goal in a report of the first year of their existence was "on the one hand, to print all that is most valuable of the yet unprinted MSS. in English, and, on the other, to re-edit and reprint all that is most valuable in printed English books, which from their scarcity or price are not within the reach of the student of moderate means."

Several volumes in the MHC library, search keywords Early English Text Society in Discover.

Selden Society publications

The Selden Society is devoted to the study of English legal history, and publishes historical records of English law. Since the society's inception, a volume of texts has been published every year.

Keyword search “Seldon Society”, and in print, A Centenary Guide to the Publications of the Selden Society, Mount Holyoke College Main Library Reference Z2016 .S44 1987

Bibliographies and Guides

  • Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature
    Journal providing a selective and critical analysis of new historical books, journals and journal articles. Arranged by epoch and area.  ABHL provides a  guide to recent work by established and emerging scholars from around the world.
    Available online from 1997-1 year ago, available in print, past issues available in the 5-College Depository.

Older Bibliographies