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Aug 6, 2024 5

Showing 24 Databases

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This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text (PDFs) for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. Backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.

Includes over 70,000 video titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more; curated for the educational experience.

Biography in Context delivers outstanding research support with 600,000+ biographical entries — on more than 528,000 individuals — spanning history and geography.

A general knowledge encyclopedia on all topics. The rich combination of the venerable Encyclopaedia Britannica plus Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, magazines and periodicals, and many other research tools provides the variety of reliable sources that students need to consult when conducting thorough collegiate research.

Weekly news and job-information source for college and university faculty members, administrators, and students

Comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news including health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy.

A combined database made up of many individual resources including the library catalog and the majority of our subject-specific databases.

Docuseek streams essential independent, social-issue, and environmental films to colleges and universities, providing exclusive access to content from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution. All 2000+ films are immediately available, and come with performance rights for campus viewings.

The EBL and eBrary ebook collections have merged to become Ebook Central

WorldCat is a shared catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide

A collection of locally owned and created digital scholarship, cultural, and historical materials contributed by Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith colleges. Mount Holyoke’s initial featured collections include the Archives and Special Collections digital collections, the full run of the Mount Holyoke News (back to volume 1, 1891), and the Art Department Teaching Collection.

From arts and the humanities to social sciences, science and technology, this database meets research needs across all academic disciplines.

Google books allows for searching anywhere from basic bibliographic information to the partial text, to the full text of a book. Sometimes a Google Books search allows for a more detailed search of the contents of a book, even if you then locate an actual physical copy via the library catalog.

Google's database of scholarly works. Much of the content is articles and books, but you will also see theses, dissertations, patents and other items here.
If you are on campus you can often access full text articles available through the library directly from Google Scholar. If you are off campus, go into the settings and set the library link to Mount Holyoke College.

HathiTrust Digital Library is a searchable collection of over 10 million digitized books and publications from more than 60 academic and research libraries from across North America and other countries. Over 3 million of the items included are public domain and fully viewable. For full access, click Log In, choose Mount Holyoke College from the list of institutions, and click Continue.

JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals and books in all subject areas, still images, moving images, audio, and primary sources. It now includes the contents of ArtStor.

Dictionaries, language reference, and subject encyclopedias published by Oxford University Press.

Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community.

Springer’s eBook collection delivers complete access to a large collection of scientific, technical and medical publications published by Springer.

WorldCat is a shared catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.

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