Advanced Research
A specific article
To track down a specific article, first try searching the article title (or a combination of the article title and author name, especially if it's a one word article title) in Discover. Discover is an effective place to start because it searches across most of the library 's subscription databases all at once.
If you don't find the article in Discover, try searching the title of the journal in which the article appears in Journal Locator. Journal Locator lists all of the journal titles that the library has access to online and in print - even those in databases not searched by Discover. Once you find the journal title, you'll need to take the extra step of browsing to the issue that contains the article you're looking for.
Note: it's useful to have complete citation information for the best results locating an article. Citation elements include: author(s) and title of the article, journal title, volume (and issue or no. if listed), and the page numbers of the article. Tip: journal and book titles are italicized, which can help to easily separate the article title of the article from the journal title (i.e. Lamadrid, Enrique R. "The rogue's progress: Journeys of the Picaro from oral tradition to contemporary Chicano.." MELUS 20.2 (1995): 15.)
Full-Text of an Article
If the library does not have the full text article online or in print, you may request it through interlibrary loan service, ILLiad. All currently enrolled students, faculty and staff of Mount Holyoke College may use this service for FREE. If you've never used ILLiad before you'll need to sign up for an account. Note: Plan ahead and allow 2 weeks for ILL requests to be filled.
A Specific Journal
The library has both online journals and print journals. To see if we might have it online or in print search:
Journal Locator - a tool to connect you with our online and print journals. You can use it to search for or browse to a journal title.
Journals available online will have a link to the database containing the journal. Journals available in print will have a "Mount Holyoke College Print Journals" link that will take you into the library catalog record and show you which issues we have and where they are located. Most current print journal issues are on the 4th floor of Williston Library in the Reading Room. Older journal issues are on level 2 (sciences) and 2 1/2 (humanities and social sciences) and are shelved alphabetically by title.
- Last Updated: Oct 18, 2024 12:15 PM
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