Japanese Language Guide
Search by Language in the MHC/5C Libraries
Use the form below to search the library catalog for materials published in the language you're studying, available at MHC or any of the Five College libraries.
Resources at Local Libraries
- Five College Center for East Asian Studies Resource LibraryAlthough Five College Center for East Asian Studies serves primarily for professors and teachers, students can also attend their workshops and use their resources. If you would like to go to the Center and browse through their materials, please call 413-585-3751 or email fcceas@fivecolleges.edu to schedule a visit. Resources can be borrowed free of charge for a 3-week period. Although there is no charge to borrow resources. You may borrow as many as 5 videos/DVDs and a total of 10 resources at a time.
- South Hadley Public Library - BYKIHere is a language learning software, Transparent Language Online, created by BYKI. You need to visit South Hadley Public Library to create an account. This software includes various of language courses. The course you have selected consists of a series of units, each with its own content and learning objectives. Each unit consists of a series of lessons, which in turn offer one or more learning activities that train vocabulary, pronunciation, and other language skills. A unit may end with an assessment. It also provides you with language and culture resources und Explore tab.
Asian Studies Research Guide
- Asian Studies Research GuideFor resources and help with library research, try the Asian Studies Research Guide
Japanese Language Reference Materials
A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar by Seiichi Makino; Michio Tsutsui
Call Number: PL533 .M25 1989ISBN: 4789004546Publication Date: 1989-01-01A comprehensive resource of grammar explanations and examples for the beginning Japanese language student.A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar
The continuation of A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar, with topics and grammar geared to the intermediate learner.
Japanese Language Newspapers
The Asahi Shimbun
Read the Asahi Shimbun Online.
Our library subscribes to the Asahi Shimbun, a Japanese newspaper that covers current domestic and international news.
You can read the latest issues in the library; older issues are available for you to read (or keep, for free!) in the LRC.
- Last Updated: Oct 22, 2024 11:51 AM
- URL: https://guides.mtholyoke.edu/japaneselanguage
- Print Page
Subjects: Languages & Cultures
Tags: asian_studies, cultures, japanese, language, lrc